
La cultura influye en las decisiones personales.

Abstract: Tita's Mother, also known as Elena, is an intricate and multidimensional character in the novel “Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel. Through psychological analysis, you will be able to explore the different influences that have shaped your character and behavior over time. We also observe that Tita expresses her repressed emotions through food, which has magical effects on those who consume it. Here themes such as forbidden love, family oppression and the magic of magical realism are explored, oppression that ends when the mother dies. of Tita, why she sees herself reflected in the family union.  Resumen:  La Madre de Tita, también conocida como Elena, es un personaje intrincado y multidimensional de la novela “Como agua para chocolate” de Laura Esquivel. A través del análisis psicológico, podrás explorar las diferentes influencias que han moldeado tu carácter y comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo. También observamos que tita expresa sus emociones reprimid